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재미동포전국연합회 윤길상 상임고문 미대통령에게 편지

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작성자 관리자 작성일19-07-13 16:44 댓글0건


재미동포전국연합회 윤길상 상임고문 미대통령에게 편지

재미동포전국연합 편집국


조국의 평화와 번영에 대한 온 겨레의 열망이 뜨겁고 재미동포들도 이를 실현하기 위하여 다방면으로 노력하고 있는 때에 재미동포전국연합회의 윤길상 상임고문은 지난 6일 백악관과 트럼프대통령에게 편지를 보냈다. 그는 미국이 조선과의 평화적인 관계를 수립할 것과 코리안어메리칸 이산가족들이  늦기 전에 사랑하는 가족들을 방문하도록 북방문금지령을 해제해줄 것을 호소하였다음은 편지의 전문이다.

Letter to President Trump


July 6, 2019


The Honorable Donald J. Trump, President

The United States of America

The White House

Washington, DC 20550



Mr. President, Your Excellency;


On Sunday June 30, 2019, your highly intuitive diplomatic action has gotten the entire attention of Korean Americans and Koreans in particular and of the whole wide world in general! 


There is no wonder why you are elected as the President of the United States of America in such a time like this! When you accepted the invitation of the President Moon Jae-in to visit South Korea right after the G-20, some of us fore-sensed that you would do some epoch-making action while you would share your precious time in Korean peninsula! My own humble presentiment of your extraordinarily astuteness in your leadership has come true as an unprecedented and extraordinary success in the history of the diplomacy in the entire human history!


Your Excellency!

Koreans have long yearned the end of the Korean War and desired the friendly and normal relations to be built between the US and DPRK! In certain aspect your acute empathy with Koreans’ deep agonizing sighing has been embodied and demonstrated when you and Chairman Kim Jong Un met and shook hands, and crossed the dividing line back and forth! In that moment you have transformed the spot of conflict and confrontation over six decades to become the place of healing and reconciliation for peace! What an awesomely history-making contribution you have made!


Mr. President!

There are so many Korean-Americans are separated from their spouses, children and relatives in North Korea so long. Since the travel ban of the US Citizens to North Korea has been in effect on September 1, 2017, these aging Korean Americans have not been able to visit their beloved ones in Northern Part of their homeland. 


You are awesomely compassionate to the Korean-Americans agony!

It would be deeply appreciated if you would lift the current travel ban, so that many aging citizens including myself could visit their beloved ones before too late.


Again, you have demonstrated and embodied your authentically compassionate feeling of the suffering people on the Korean peninsula as the President of the Great USA and most preeminent Leader of the Whole Wide World with such a unique gift of extraordinarily intuitive ways and means!  You have the most exuberant admiration of mine and many Korean Americans!


May the grace and peace of the Divine be with you and yours today and every day!


Sincerely Yours,


Kil Sang Yoon (The Reverend)

A retired ordained minister of The United Methodist Church


Cc:  Secretary Michael R. Pompeo, US Department of States


재미동포전국연합회 윤길상 상임고문 미대통령에게 편지

July 6, 2019


존경하는 도날드 J. 트럼프

미합중국 대통령

1600 펜실바니아 애비뉴,  NW

워싱턴  20550



대통령 각하;


2019 6 30일요일에 귀하께서는 전례없는 직감적인 외교술을 통하여  조선계 미국시민들과 모든 조선사람들그리고 전세계의 이목을 전적으로 독차지 하셨습니다.


오늘날과 같이 복잡한 시기에 미국시민들이 귀하를 미합중국의 대통령으로 선출하여 미국을 이끄시도록  것은 결코 놀라운 일이 아닙니다귀하께서 G-20 회의  남조선을 방문하여 달라는 문재인 대통령의 초청을 수락하셨을 몹씨  분주하신 중에도 귀중한 이틀을 조선반도에서 보내신다고 하는 사실로 하여 귀하께서는 역사에  변화를 가저올 결정을 하실  같다고 저를 비롯한 저의 친구들은 예감하였습니다그런데 바로 귀하의 특출하고 기민하신 외교 영도력으로 인류 역사상 유례없이 놀라운 외교적인 성공을 하셨습니다저의 겸허한 직감은 진리로 나타났습니다.



조선람들은 오랫동안 조선전쟁의 종식을 염원하고 있으며 미합중국과 조선인민민주공화국이 정상적이고 평화적인 관계를 맺게 되기를 대망하고 있습니다귀하께서 김정은 위원장 각하와 함께 분단선에서 마주 만나서 손을 잡고 분단선을 넘어 현직 미국 대통령으로서 처음 조선 땅을 밟으시는  활동에서 귀하께서 지니신 조선사람들의 깊은 번뇌와 한숨에 대한 민감하신 공감성이 구체적으로 표현되고 웅변적으로 증거되었습니다귀하께서는 바로  순간에 60 성상 충돌과 대립의 장소로 돠었던 곳을 치유와 화해로 평화를 이루는 아름다운 장으로 급변시켜 주셨습니다.


귀하께서는 그 누구도 예측할  없이 신비롭게 역사를 전변시키는 데 지대한 공헌을 하셨습니다!


대통령 각하!

우리 중에는 오랫동안 조선에 부인자녀들과 친척을 남겨둔 채 갈라저 살아온 이산가족들이 너무 많이 있습니다. 2017 9 1일부터 미국시민들의 조선방문금지가 실지된 이래 수많은 연로하신 조선계 미국시민들은 모국반도의 북녘  조선에 있는 사랑하는 가족들을 방문하지 못하고 있습니다귀하께서는 조선계 시민들의 번뇌에 대하여 함께 마음아파 하시는  압니다귀하께서  여행금지를 해제하여주시면 저희들은 깊이 감사드릴 것이며 저를 포함한 많은 연로한 조선계 미국시민들이  늦기 전에 사랑하는 가족들을 방문하게 될 것입니다


귀하께서는 전례가 없이 탁월하신 직감적인 영도방법을 선천적으로 지니신 위대한 미합중국의 대통령그리고  세계의 탁월하신 영도자로서 조선반도에서 고난 중에 살아오는 사람들의 고통을 진정으로 공감하시는  사랑을 이번 기회에  세계 앞에 구체적으로 보여주셨습니다귀하는 저와 다른 많은 조선계 미국시민들의 최상으로 되는 열광적인 찬사와 감탄을 받고 계십니다.


귀하와 귀하의 가정과 대통령으로 이끄시는 모든 분야에 하늘의 은총과 평화가  함께 하시기를 축원드립니다.  


귀하의 진정한 시민,


윤길상 상서

본인은 연합감리교회의 은퇴한 목사입니다.



참조미국 국무부 마이클 R. 폼페오 장관


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